Italy has fast trademark registration procedures. ADR mediation procedures are also available in Italy to put in place measures of protection from trademark infringement, imitation and sales fraud.
For instance, in some cases the Police has seized goods from the owner of a company selling car replacement parts of well-known international manufacturers. The business owner had displayed various replacements parts showing the brands of famous cars producers, but next to those stood a sign stating “compatible but not original”. A bold attempt of trademark infringement, as stated by the jurisdiction of the Court of Cassation.
Here is who can assist you with the procedures of trademark registration and trademark protection in Italy, as well as with alternative disputes resolution.
Every country has different laws regulating international trademark registration and protection, and in Italy there are fast trademark registration and trademark protection negotiation procedures, which can easily be undertaken with the assistance of a patent and trademark attorney in Italy.
Alternative trademark dispute resolution in Italy
In some cases, trademark litigation can have a detrimental impact on companies’ sales, innovation and competitivity.
For overseas companies wishing to operate in Italy, the assistance of a trademark and intellectual property attorney is crucial.
The collaboration with English-speaking lawyers in Italy will provide you with the appropriate preparation for trademark registration procedures as well as with proper protection in case of trademark infringement such as that described above.
If you happen to be facing a similar situation in regards to your trademark, we are able to provide you with advice. In fact, with over 30 years of experience in trademark law in Italy, International Law Firm Damiani&Damiani has the expertise to assist in English with trademark registration and industrial and intellectual property protection.
The team of lawyers specialised in trademark law at Damiani&Damiani can provide you with counsel about what type of trademark to register, advice on how to obtain a trademark with certainty, protection against counterfeit trademarks and assistance in disputes resolution, thereby enabling you to handle such occurrences rapidly and efficiently.
This kind of collaboration is particularly requested by Germany-based law firms and attorneys assisting clients in legal procedures involving trademarks in Italy. It is in these cases that the best possible cooperation takes place: between professionals handling trademark consultation in two different countries, both experts in law and protection of industrial and intellectual property, both able to communicate in English, and both sharing the need to solve quickly and effectively any problem related to trademark recognition or protection in Italy, in the best interest of their clients.
As a matter of fact, although it is possible to settle intellectual property and technology disputes in court, it is in the best interest of companies and businesses to solve such matters rapidly. Hence why Italy has adopted measures such as mediation, arbitration and other methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).